Charity & Scholarship Golf Tournament

Charity & Scholarship Golf Tournament

We We are already planning for the 2025 Golf Tournament

Monday, September 22, 2025.

This sponsorship includes 2 teams of 4 players. A round of golf, golf carts, swag bags, breakfast, snacks, drinks, and lunch. You will be recognized on the club house banner, newsletter, magazine, flyers and all advertising for the golf tournament as Major Sponsor.

One team of four players, golf carts, swag bags, snacks, drinks, breakfast and lunch is all provided. Bring your golf clubs and come ready to play!

We have several sponsorship opportunities available including Hole Sponsor. Your name will be posted on a sign on the green next to the hole. This is a great way to be recognized by the golfers throughout the day. You will also be recognized in the pamphlets and advertising as a Hole Sponsor.

Contact us for information on other sponsorship opportunities

Sponsorship Opportunities

Hole Sponsor: Come hang out with us at the golf course. We will set up a sign at a hole with your logo but you can come and hang out and meet with the players. Bring a game, swag, or snacks to hand out. This is a great opportunity to be recognized while interacting with the players.

Swag Bag Sponsor: Donate swag items for the golfers swag bags. Each player will receive a swag bag filled with custom items showcasing participating businesses. This is a great way to get your name recognized.

Raffle Sponsor: Prize baskets and items $50 and up for the raffle. The drawing helps raise more funds for the scholarships. The more items donated adds up to more scholarships.

Club Cart Sponsor: Get recognized with your logo on the Snack Cart sign.

Water Bottle Sponsor: Get recognized with your logo on the custom water bottle labels on the players water bottles. We will create and supply the water bottles and labels.

Become a Sponsor

Hole Sponsor


Per event

Interact and network with players during the tournament. Bring swag, brochures, games, or snacks to hand out as players come by your hole.


Major Sponsor


Per event 

As a major sponsor your logo will be on all advertising for the tournament, on the large banner that spans the clubhouse and be on all marketing for that year.


Golf Team


Per Event 

Foursome includes golf cart, swag, breakfast, lunch, snacks and drinks.


More information to come...

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the plan the best tournament. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 

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